If you are a Harry Potter fan and looking for a game to play with your class you are perfectly right here. I now introduce you to “Muggle Quidditch”! It is a funny game which you can easily play with your class in a gymnastic hall. Quidditch combines three games: […]
Yearly Archives: 2017
This is a funny small game which you can play during the breaks at school, summer activities or in your free time. It is more cheerful when you play it in a bigger group with ten or more people.
The word “Photosynthesis“ is not hard to understand even if it might sounds difficult. “Photo” is the Greek word for “Light” and “synthesis” for “putting together”.
Under this name, there are known a lot of games. Today we will show you team game that is suppose to teach both trust and basics of tactics. Long preparations are required to be able to play this game. First of all, you need ammunition. No matter how fierce that […]
The retina is a specific nerve tissue on the inside of the eye. In general it could be described as a projection surface for our surrounding. It is responsible for transferring arousal – caused by light stimuli – to regions of the brain.
-) The game is most suitable for children from 5 to 10 years. -) You should have about 5 to 30 players. More players are possible. -) You need 1 chair per person, one fewer than there are players.