Do you know where do the best and most innovative ideas come from? Most of the times them are the results of the intersection between different ideas, cultures and also from the places we are living.
Clearly everyone has different characteristics and types of intelligence, this is reason why some people can be better doing some activities than others. But this must not stop us from searching what we are meant to do or what we like.
Lot of people (especially nowadays) don’t have an hobby this because we are surrounded by so many activities that we finish to not being able to follow and cultivate a real passion.
This mental process was studied by lot of people during these years and the most common and efficient way to start something useful for our body and mind, is to go out from your comfort zone. This will allow you to try new experiences and maybe find your hobby.
Once you find this, studied revealed that the possibility to have success in your professional area increase considerably (between 15 to 30 per cent more), but this is only one of the most advantages that an hobby can bring:
-It permits us to develop abilities and innate talents, that maybe we didn’t think we had, and these talents can be useful not only immediately but could be used also for future experiences.
- It helps us to disconnect from our daily routine, and it is time that we spend for ourselves
- It makes us much more creative, it gives us the capacity to analyze the problem from different points of view
-And in the end it helps developing our knowledge and a direct consequence of all these points is a most accurate acquaintance of us.
So the results of having a hobby is mainly the capacity of try always new things while being active.
A really interesting thing is that finding an hobby is quite easy, this because everyone (no exceptions) has something that he or she wants to do. Usually the problem is that people are too busy with work or other “stuff”. The reality is that most of them don’t even try to begin a new activity, but only if you start you will understand that in the end it wasn’t so difficult like you expected.
The advice that I can give you is to explore and don’t give up if you don’t find it immediately. This is your time so don’t be afraid of other’s opinion, go in public places so you can know people with your same passion and also that can teach you how to improve.
The thing that lot of people wish but only a few are be able to do is turning your hobby in your job, or maybe I should call it “dream job”.
So start searching your hobby, and once you find it, cultivate it and your life can only have improvements under all the aspects.
