Let’s start saying that learning a new instrument is a really useful activity, especially for children. In fact music helps developing specific areas of the brain. Now I’ll show you the benefits.
We can say that learning a new instrument brings an infinite number of benefits for everyone, adults and children. Starting playing an instrument certainly is difficult but studies revealed that it improves the capacity of memorize information and especially the capacity of being concentrate. The beautiful thing is that these are not temporary things but these are capacities that remain in the time, also when the instrument will be covered with dust.
The same study reveals that it also helps children to maturate faster, in fact it is not easy to take care and to preserve an instrument especially if it is delicate like could be a guitar or a clarinet.
But now I will take some space to explain in concrete what are the advantages and capacities that children can develop. First of all it increases the capacity of solving problems, in fact it shown how “musicians” have a higher capacity of analyzing problems.
It helps a lot with the development of the brain, in fact it creates more connections between neurons. So these are good motivation to start learning a new instrument, the best way to start is to choose correctly the instrument that you like the most… how do you choose it? Well it depends by lots of things, usually it depends on the music that we listen every day. Second step is to start learning this new instrument, usually people stop during this phase because it is the part that requires more energy and diligence. People usually decides to abandon the instrument in this second “phase” but we have to remember that if we want to obtain nice results the only way is trough the difficulties. Another problem is also how people decide to learn this new instrument, in fact it can happen that we decide to use wrong techniques of learning that at the end are only going to make us abandon the instrument. So the advice that I can give you is to rely on someone that can teach you how to properly learn the instrument.
