With human evolution, there started to exist many different tribes of people all over the world. Nowadays, we count more than 5000 different indigenous groups from not less than 90 countries that are spread all over the globe. All these tribal members make up 6.2% of the world’s population. Every tribe has its own culture and history, as well as different traditions and rituals. The continent of Africa is home to the most tribes, with a total of over 3000 tribes that have around 2000 languages, accents, and dialects. One of these tribes is the tribe of the Pygmies.

The term “Pygmy” comes from the Greek language and can be translated to “dwarf.” Members of the Pygmy tribe, which are male adults, reach a height of 1.5 meters on average. Usually, the term “Pygmies” refers to a tribe that is located in tropical Africa, but there are also tribes that are about the same size; for instance, the San tribe of the Kalahari or the tribe that is commonly applied to the Negritos in Asia. Because the Asian and African tribes both had to adjust to similar environments for a long time, their physical characteristics are quite alike.
Furthermore, the group of the Pygmies consists of gatherers and husters. This means that they do not cultivate any fields or raise livestock. They often change their hunting location in order to find more animals. The arsenal of weapons that they carry with them consists of wooden and stone arrows, machetes, and spears. With them, they hunt fish, antelopes, gazelles, monkeys, and even elephants.
Because many Pygmies are not seen as citizens, they do not receive health care or other social services. But since they have adopted their lives so much over the years, they can work with a lot of herbs and plants that can be found in nature. One of these is the Moringa tree (miracle tree), which is commonly located in the rainforest. It can be used as a treatment for high blood pressure. There is also the Abda Zoak tree (elephant tree), which can be used against stomach problems or unpleasant symptoms during pregnancy.
Usually, they also maintain a good relationship with their neighboring groups that live in their close vicinity. Another aspect of a Pygmy’s life is the preservation of their cultural beliefs and traditions. Unfortunately, big parts of the rainforest, which was inhabited by groups of Pygmies, cannot be used anymore due to deforestation and the work of the mining sector. This is why they only have restricted areas to live in since they are also not allowed to live in national parks. The governments of some African countries, for example, Cancoon, did not succeed in integrating the Pygmies into their countries, which gives them the opportunity to continue the preservation efforts of their culture.
Also, they do not have money but instead developed a system where they trade their possessions.