Of course, everybody needs food to survive. But even though this is the most obvious purpose for it, over time, food has served a whole different purpose in society. It is so much more than just the source of nutrition because the meaning of whole cultures can be transferred over eating, and every culture has its own unique meals and recipes that have been passed on from generation to generation.
Furthermore, food can carry so many memories in its smell and taste. When you eat that one soup that you always used to eat in your childhood, you not only taste the spices and seasonings in your mouth but also the many happy memories you made in your childhood some years ago.
With different food cultures and over time, there were also a lot of food trends that spread all over the world with the help of the internet. One of these trends that got popular in the last few years is the superfood trend.
1) What does the term “superfood” mean?
The term “superfood is used to describe foods that are more dense in nutrition, which means that they have fewer calories but provide more nutrients. They consist of a lot of antioxidants, minerals, as well as vitamins. Minerals support the body by growing strong bones and teeth and also transforming the food you eat into energy. Antioxidants contribute to the damage reduction of your cells in the body. One of the many positive functions that minerals have on your body is that they support wound healing and strengthen your immune system.
2) What are the benefits of superfoods?
Since superfoods contain a bunch of different vitamins and minerals, they support your body to be healthy and fit. They can improve a healthy heart, a high level of energy, and weight loss. At the same time, they decrease or even prevent the risks of cancer, athritis, strokes, immune deficiency, and Parkinson’s disease. Anyway, it is important to mention that eating superfoods will not prevent you from getting sick or staying healthy. A healthy overall lifestyle with a lot of sports and a balanced diet is the key to decreasing the risk of developing chronic illnesses and diseases.
3) What types of foods are superfoods?
Another aspect is that there is no real definition or criteria that defines which foods can be classified as superfoods. Anyway, there are some common examples of what types of food superfoods can be. Berries have the right characteristics to be a superfood since they are high in flavonoids, which reduces the risk of getting a heart attack. Also, soybeans, tea, salmon, leafy greens (like kale or spinach), dark chocolate, grapes, walnuts, eggs, apples,, and garlic belong to the most common superfoods. However, there are also many more that have great benefits for your health.
4) What are the risks of superfoods?
Of course, when someone sees the long list of benefits that come with eating superfoods, it is tempting to eat nothing but them. In fact, eating too many of the superfoods can cause an overdose of antioxidants. If one consumes large amounts of them, then it can mess with important cell functions, for example, their defense systems and signaling. Symptoms of an overdose of antioxidants are nausea and vomiting, but also diarrhea and stomach aches.
5) What was the origin of superfoods?
The term superfood was used for the first time in 1918 when a banana company tried to advertise their fruit. The term should express how good of a food the banana is since it is protected with a peel around it. You can also eat it in many different ways, for instance, on toast, with milk and cornflakes, in a salad, fried, or just by itself. The banana is also very nutritious and fills your stomach quite well.
