How to calm yourself when you feel upset

Luckily, in the lives of most people, there are a lot of happy times where you feel fulfilled with joy, gratitude, and love. These times are really important for us because they show us what really matters and how life can reward us. No matter whether it is a festivity that we celebrated with our family or the summer vacation we spent with our friends, these memories will stay with us forever, and we like to remember them even if they have already passed a long time ago. Unfortunately, with happy times, there are also bad times where we are in a bad place mentally because we seem to drown in our gray every day life, we are busy at work or school, or we have some personal problems that drain us and do not seem to go away. In times like these, it is important to find some strategies that help you deal with busy times, overwhelming situations, or angry tantrums. It is important to find these methods because you will learn how to control your emotions so that your surroundings are aware of what is happening, and you will also not “swallow” your emotions since this could cause an emotional outburst at one point that can lead to a mental breakdown or even a burnout. Processing and dealing with different feelings will develop your character and strengthen it. Furthermore, you will be more balanced, and you will understand yourself even better.

Children and teenagers often do not know and have to learn how to express their emotions properly. When they do not know how to communicate with them, they express themselves in other ways, for instance, by crying, screaming, or even by physical attack. When you suffer from incidents from your past and have to deal with loss, grief, and the sadness caused by them, it is even more important to know how to deal with your feelings.
One way to do this is to do things you enjoy or used to enjoy. Even if it seems hard to go out after a stroke of fate, it may be easier than you would think. It can be the walk to your favorite coffee store or the library you used to love. Refreshing the routines and doing familiar things may be the first step in getting your happiness in life back.

Another way to deal with sadness, anger, and stress is to do physical exercise. Whether it is a run in the forest next to your house or a home workout in your living room, the exertion you feel will distract you from your upsetting emotional state. In fact, you will probably feel better afterwards because, with physical exercise, the body will emit happiness hormones, called endorphines, that will make you feel better and more balanced. Of course, your problem will not disappear into thin air most of the time, but you may get a clearer view of things and be able to make more rational decisions.

Furthermore, when you feel angry or sad, it probably helps when you communicate your feelings, for instance, by calling a friend who cheers you up or calms you down. Sometimes, after a call like this, you can change your perspective on different situations and view not everything in a bad light.

Another thing that might help when you are very angry is to find a calming breathing technique. By breathing in a pattern, you can distract yourself from your overwhelming emotions, and your body will also wind down.

Other than that, it is important to be aware that every person may have a different way to deal with emotions. This is totally normal, and you just have to find the one that works for you best.,Tip%202%3A%20Do%20things%20that%20make%20you%20feel%20good,fun%20activities%20into%20your%20day.,contribute%20to%20this%20same%20feeling.