If you are looking for a new, exciting, and engrossing book to read and if you like fantasy, this is the perfect article for you. Percy Jackson and The Olympians is a series of five novels written by the American author Rick Riordan, and these books were my favorite books when I was between 9 and 14 years old.
They are set in the 21st century, but Greek gods are alive and are part of the normal world. All kinds of mythical creatures are living among normal people in Manhattan. When reading the books, you follow Percy Jackson, the protagonist of the books, through all the adventures in the life of a demigod. If you think Greek mythology, with all of its outdated stories, is boring, you should definitely read these books; they will change your mind! Yes, you will probably learn something about gods and myths, but it will be in a very fun and entertaining way. Everything from classical mythology has been cleverly updated. Without spoiling too much of the plot, a good example of that is the figure of the director of the ‘summer camp’ Percy gets to live in. He is a centaur, which means he has the body of a horse and only the torso and head of a man. At one point in the books, Percy even rides on his back!
The Lightening Thief
This is the first book of the series, released on June 28, 2005. Percy Jackson is twelve years old and doing normal things for a twelve-year-old. He goes to school, plays basketball, and skateboards. But everything changes within seconds, and he finds himself on the most dangerous quest of his life. But he is not alone. With a satyr and a daughter of Athena, he has to catch the thief of the most important weapon of all time: Zeus’ master bold. On their way, they get to know the nice and the not-so-nice mythological creatures. Let me tell you: It’s an adventure!
The Sea of Monsters
Percy and his friends have to go on another quest, but this time Camp Half-Blood relies on their success. They have to find a magical item to bring a tree back to life. But in order to get this magical item, they have to cross the sea of monsters while also saving Percy’s best friend. There are again a lot of mythological enemies determined to stop them, and it really doesn’t get boring at all.
The Titan’s Curse
This novel is all about Kronos, the titan lord himself. He causes a lot of trouble, and the young heroes have to face it. Percy Jackson also has to deal with the rescue of two powerful half-bloods, which is connected with a lot of mysteries. And finally, there is the frightening prophecy of the Titan’s curseā¦
The Battle of the Labyrinth
Through an ancient labyrinth, thousands of monsters would be able to attack Camp Half-blood. But not only that, a war between the gods and the titans is about to begin. Time is running out, and Percy and his friends have to fight their way through the labyrinth to stop the eternal catastrophe.
The Last Olympian
Everyone is preparing for the battle against the Titans. And the Titan’s power is growing. It is up to Percy and some other demigods to stop the Lord of Time. In this book, we will also find the answer to the prophecy of Percy’s 16th birthday, for which we have waited so long. It is a great finale to the book series, and after reading it, you will be sad that the series is over.

If you still can’t get enough of these kinds of books and the mythological world of Percy Jackson, there are good news for you. Rick Riordan also published a lot of supplementary works that are really good too. But you should start by reading the Percy Jackson series. From my point of view, it is a classic, and you would miss out on a lot by not reading the books.
https://rickriordan.com/series/percy-jackson-and-the-olympians/ (Parents Teacher Resources, 7.12.2022)