Nowadays you cant go through shool without learning about this period of time. In most cases you will probably even have to learn about it not only one because with its high importance it plays a role almost all school subjects. So in order to give you a small insight I wrote this article for all of us that have to learn about it.
The Renaissance is a period which can be mainly characterized by major cultural changes during the 14th and 15th centuries. Many believe the period to be a revival or rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideas and principles – ‘Renaissance’ literally means ‘rebirth’ in French. However, the word ‘Renaissance’ has also come to refer to an idealist return to the Middle Ages- a period perceived as more culturally rich and harmonious with nature than the present age. During the Renaissance, art, architecture, literature, religion, society and technology all experienced a major overhaul. The Renaissance was a time of great advancement for humanity, it is one of the most influential periods in history. In many ways, this return to the past is seen as a cleansing process, where buried values such as morality, ethics and spirituality were unearthed once again through new ways of thinking.
The Renaissance was a time of artistic advancement and cultural output. Many artists represented the Renaissance by creating works that showcased their newfound abilities. Artists experimented with new styles and created works of great beauty, insight and sublimity. By delving into different textural techniques and studying nature closely, artists were able to create works that would change how art was viewed forever after.
Leonardo da Vinci is probably the most famous artist of the Renaissance. He was an artist, architect, musician, mathematician, geographer, naturalist, engineer, weight inventor, cartographer, state reformer and cosmologist who had numerous influences on later generations. Who is known for his paintings, sculpture, architecture and codex’s. His notebooks are probably the best testament to how this period revitalized man’s capacity for creativity at every level. Writers also flourished during this period many classic literary works were created by upcoming authors like Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer and Niccolo Machiavelli. The human mind had expanded hugely during this period. New ideas were generated by prominent thinkers like Francis Bacon, Erasmus Dipticus, the father of Shakespeare and Lorenzo de’ Medici.
Another achievement attributable to the Renaissance is urban growth; cities became more sophisticated as they gained access to trade goods from far-off countries. The growth in trade also inspired growth in entrepreneurship which allowed businessmen to gain wealth and become prominent members of society. This growth also improved transportation mechanisms which facilitated trade between cities and allowed merchants to make cash transactions instead of bartering goods for gold or silver coins. In addition to these great benefits for culture and commerce, cities also became more humane as people became more concerned about social issues such as racism and social justice.
Despite is association with excesses, like gambling or simply avoiding to work, the Renaissance proved to be a time of cultural awakening that changed how mankind thinks creatively and interactively. Without this renaissance period, many current advancements would never have existed!
I hope that with this article you gained some insight in the probably most important period of history.