Paris the city of love, thousand of people go to Paris every year just for love. And most women dreams is to get proposed in front of an 300 meter tall iron tower. This Tower that is the main plot of so many movies and series and dreams hears to the name Eiffel Tower. But with that big of a popularity the question about the history of this tower arises. So if you are interested in finding out more about the history of this impressive tower read on.
1. In the 19th hundreds when the Eiffel tower was opened it was the worlds tallest Building with being about 300 meters high, in comparison the Burj Khalifa the tallest building as today is 828 meters tall. In order to reach the top of the Eiffel tower you have to climb up 1665 stairs but don’t worry there is also a elevator that can bring you to one of the 3 viewing platforms that the Eiffel tower has.
2. As we just talked about the opening of the Eiffel tower, you might have heard about the reason that the Eiffel tower was build the world Fair 1989. The world fair which is now called expo first took place inn 1851 in London and since then takes place every 3 years in a different city / country around the globe. On the world Fair any important inventions got presented for the first time. Like the Ferris Wheel, x-ray machines, the television, and also ice cream cones.
3. As the environment gets more and more important for us every day. We can also talk about the Eiffel tower as ecological, since 2015 you can find two wind turbines that power the electricity needed for all the shops and restaurants. There is also a system that collects the rainwater in order to use it for the toilets located at the tower.
4. One of the hidden facts that many did not know but got more and more attention is the fact that there is an apartment located on the top level. Gustave Eiffel the designer of the Eiffel Tower had a little apartment that was not public only a few selected people such as Thomas Edison got the chance to enter the apartment. That is also why from 1920s wen Eiffel died till 2015, when it was opened for the public, the apartment was unused. Now it is kind of a Museum where you can learn about the Eiffel Tower.
5. Not only can you find an apartment on the Eiffel tower but also two small laboratories located on the 3 platform. Here astronomers and meteorologist could work and do research. But also Eiffel himself used the Eiffel tower to conduct experiments. For example he dropped different objects that were attached to a cord from the second platform, which is located at about 115 meters, in order to learn about how objects move against the air.
I hope that this article has provided you with some interesting facts and maybe you will get to see it for yourself.