Your brain is the most important and also the most complex organ in your body. With its weight of only 1.4 kg it has around 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connections.
As you might already know your brain has two halves they do look alike but they differentiate in how they process the information given. But even though they are different they do work together. There are fibers connecting different parts of your brain. If because of a injury you damage these connecting fibers you might still function just as before just with a few defective parts.
Our brain is also designed to constantly learn and to adapt to change because of that the brain is constantly reorganizing itself.
You might also have heard about the theory that people are either left or right brained, if you are creative and artistic people say that this is because your right brain is more dominant, and if you are a methodical and analytical person it is supposed to be because of your right brain. This Theory is based on the research of psychobiologist and Nobel Price winner Roger Sperry.
According to his research the left brain is the digital brain, it is more verbal and analytical.
Sperry states that the left brain helps people with things such as: logic, sequencing, mathematics, facts, linear thinking and thinking in words.
In his research Sperry says that the left brain s the analog brain it is visual and intuitive. According to him it helps people with things such as: imagination, daydreaming, feelings, arts, nonverbal cues, and rhythm.
Now the Question is if we really have a dominant brain just as we have a dominant foot or hand?!
It would be fun to just say that you are not good at something just because it needs the brain you are not dominant in. But sadly research has shown that there is no real proof that this is true.
MRI’s of 1000 people has shown that the brain does not favor one or another side of the brain. That means that the network on one side is not better than on the other side of the brain. Both hemispheres of the brain are connected by bundles of nerve fibers that ensure that our brain sides work together. That means that we actually do not use one side over another when solving tasks they work together and compliment each other. As a example your left brain is supposed to be the one for languages but only with the help of the right brain you understand the context and the tone.
But more important than which side you use for what task is that you keep your brain sharp to ensure that you stay mentally fit when getting old.
For doing that you can spend some time each day reading or writing, Also to never stop learning ensures that your brain stays active, you can also start a new hobby or playing games. Also your Nutrition plays a great role, the best foods for your brain are: fish, poultry, nuts, whole grains, beans and legumes and of course fresh veggies and fruits. And most importantly sleep enough so your brain gets time to process all the new things learned.