If you are a child, teenager or young adult, this is the place to be. After you read this article you can do almost anything you want, without your parents saying ‘no’ to it. You will definitely be a pro in convincing your parents. Everyone has experienced it: your parents say ‘no’ to something that you really want to do or buy. In that case, the answer ‘no’ can come really unexpected and this can be a big disappointment. Therefore, everyone should specialize in convincing their parents and this article will give you that result.
Before we get to the part that will help you convincing your parents, it is important that we know first why parents always say no to everything. There are two reason for this;
- Parents think that they know what is best for you
Your parents love you and care about your well-being. This doesn’t mean that they know what is the best for you, even though most of the parents think that. When you propose an idea to your parents, they are more likely to say no to it, because it was not their own idea and therefore not the best.
- The way of asking, causes your parents to reason with you
Psychologists have shown that the reason behind the parents’ default of saying no, is that the children’s way of asking questions is too directly and forceful. This results in their parents reasoning with their child and therefore leads to an argument.
The last thing you should know before becoming a pro in convincing your parents, is what makes people say yes in general. There are a few things that get people to say yes according to science.

First, it is very important that you propose your request at the beginning of the conversation. Don’t talk around your request, someone may get bored or tired. Also, someone may get questions about the other things you have said before you even proposed your request at all. When you propose your request to someone, it is important that you clearly let them know that they will also receive a benefit from this request. At last, the chance of them approving your request increases by letting them know that saying “yes” isn’t the only option.
Now that we know more about the reasons behind the answer ‘no’ of your parents and how to get people to say ‘yes’, we can start with the most important part.
5 tricks to convince your parents.
- Make your parents think that they came up with the request
As you have read before, your parents think that they know what is best for you. Therefore, they don’t want to say yes to an idea that was not theirs. Because of this, it might help if you get your parents to be a part of the plan itself. Everyone knows that you like an idea more if it is your own idea or if you played a role in it.
2. Show appreciation
Everyone will say yes to something faster if you show appreciation during your request, so do your parents. Ask something with gratitude and be nice when you ask something. You will definitely get a ‘no’ from your parents when you give them the feeling that they owe you something or you deserve something.
3. Give them something in return
It is always good to give your parents a small gift when your ask them for something. However, don’t make it too big. Otherwise, it is too obvious that you ask something from them. Just a small gift or note is enough.
4. Show your parents that they are reaching their goal
The most important goal for your parents is you growing up to be a responsible, clever and happy adult. Therefore, as long as you show your parents that you are going in that direction, they will do almost everything for you. Tell your parents that your request will help in reaching their goal and explain why.
5. Check if your parents are in a good mood and have enough time
Check always beforehand if your parent are in a good mood when you ask them for a favour. Everyone is more likely to say yes to something if they are in a good mood, so are your parents. It is also important if you ask if they have some time before you propose your request. Then they are not in a hurry and can therefore really think about your request.
Now, that you are a professional ‘parents-convincer’, you never have to be disappointed again by an answer of your parents. Nothing is stopping you anymore from getting the newest phone, going to that big party, buying more clothes or getting a new piercing. You just have to use your newest skills that you have learned in this article. However, don’t forget to let them know that they will also benefit from it and you can get and do whatever you want.
23 November 2022
- https://master-influencer.com/how-to-convince-your-parents-to-say-yes-to-you/ (Master-influence, November 23, 2022)
- https://www.huffpost.com/entry/advice-for-teens_b_2037523 (Hanaan Rosenthal, November 23, 2022)
- https://www.inc.com/christina-desmarais/how-to-get-people-to-say-yes-to-what-you-want-according-to-science.html (Christiana Desmarais, November 23, 2022)
Picture: MabelAmbel, 23 Nocember 2022, https://pixabay.com/photos/family-love-outdoors-woman-man-3602245/