Nobody knows how many species exist on Earth, but some scientists estimate that there are around 13 million. But this species richness is in danger. The extinction of a species happens when evolutionary problems or environmental factors cause a species to die out. To some extent, extinction is natural, but at the moment, much of it is due to humans and how we exploit the environment.

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) publishes periodically the so-called “Red List”. Here they mark every species in their developing numbers. As of January 1, 2022, there are more than 41.000 species that are threatened with extinction. Compared to the number of species overall on our planet, this might not seem too bad. However, it is more than at any point before, and this number is most likely to go up. Also, the ecological balance is delicate. Imagine a specific plant dying out, which is the main food source for a species of insects. The insects are in danger as well. And you can go on with this chain. These insects are not only insects but probably the daily food of some birds or amphibians. And if they are not finding their food anymore, their numbers will also shrink.
As I told you earlier, there are many reasons for extinction, but mainly it is caused by humans.
Agriculture, on its own, is the reason for many species becoming extinct. The fields and meadows took many plants and animals out of their habitats. To make matters worse, the pesticides that are being used are not only harmful to diseases or pests but also to other living creatures. It is hard to find a new living space, and many just die.

Another factor is that it takes a lot of land to produce agriculture. The worst example is the rain forest. Around 70% of all plants and animals living in the Amazon region of Central Africa and Southeast Asia have had their habitat destroyed. Every year, huge areas of rain forest get deforested and turned into industrial land or even fallow land. The wood is often used to make furniture or paper. The species loses its natural habitat and the population shrinks until it goes extinct. The sad thing about this is that once a species is gone, it is completely gone. That means it is lost for all time.
In the oceans, it does not really look better. As you are probably aware, the earth is 70% water. Bacteria, plankton, crabs, shells, fish, whales, everything you can imagine. There are also over 10 million species. But here, humans are also causing huge problems. Many species are dying due to over-fishing and pollution of the oceans. Although the oceans are still far from being fully explored, one can be sure that species diversity is steadily shrinking.

Another problem and cause of the extinction of the species is people who want rare animals as trophies for their houses or to sell them. The trade in endangered animals is a serious problem with a lot of money behind it.
But there is also some positive news to end this article with. Many states recognize that biodiversity is very important and therefore have founded programs to protect endangered species. Additionally, there are education measures in predominantly affected countries to stop the extinction and make them aware of what they are causing.
Sources: (IUCN, 21.09.2022) (Melanie Wieland, 21.09.2022) (National Geographics, 21.09.2022)