We all like to watch movies either in a cinema or just at home to relax from a stressful day. But have you ever thought if these movies are predicting the future. Here you will find some movies that try to show us the future and maybe even let us think out what we can do to change the future.

The first movie I want to talk about is Wall-e
Wall-e is an computer animated movie produced by pixar and released by disney. In this movie the earth has been destroyed by consumerism in the 22nd century. The movie takes place in 2805 so roughly 7 centuries later. All people have been send into space by an company were they now live in spaceships and are highly obese because they have robots to work for them. The only ones left on the world were Waste Allocation Load-Lifter: Earth-Class (Wall-e) whose job is to clean up the world. But in 2805 only one is left one day EVE a Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator whose work it is to check for life on earth to check if people can be relocated on planet earth. In this 97 minute movie a lot of important topics get incorporated such as consumerism, corporatocracy, nostalgia, waste management, human environmental impact and concerns, obesity and global catastrophic risks. Even though this movie seems to be a children movie it is definitely a must watch for adults as after finishing you start to revaluate your environmental choices.
The second movie I would like to tell you about is Gattaca.
This movie takes place in a future where genetic manipulation is normalized and genetic manipulated people get called Valid and the other get called Invalid. The movie follows Vincent a Invalid who wants to go to space even though these kind of jobs are preserved for the Valid ones. Vincent has a brother Anton who is genetically manipulated and both brother tend to challenge each other and naturally Anton normally wins until suddenly Vincent wins. Vincent then moves out and by using someone elses DNA he has the chance to train for going to space. This movie isn’t that far from reality as we already started using genetic manipulation in order to get rid of certain disability’s and illnesses and we know how to change more in the unborn DNA.
As you might have noticed by now that there are a lot of movies that even though it doesn’t seem like that as first treat highly important topics. I hope you now would like to watch the proposed movies and you might even find more movies that after watching them let you think about the future and how you can do something to maybe have a brighter future. An example based on what we see in Wall-e would be to better manage your waste you could try to use less single use plastic and to recycle your waste.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gattaca (12.10)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WALL-E (12.10)