“But where are they?” asked the physician Enrico Fermi and his question is completely justified. If we collect the circumstances that need to be given for intelligent life it is not so unlikely that intelligent life already exists. There nearly endless numbers of suns in space and quite a lot of them have planets right in the habitable zone, the zone where life can develop. So with all of this probability and the possibilities why haven’t we yet met any other intelligent life or at least found signs of it on earth or in our journeys to space? Isn’t it paradox? This paradox that there are high probabilities but no valid proof of intelligent alien life is called the Fermi Paradox.
The lack of valid proof of intelligent life can be explained with following theories:
Theory 1:
There is life on other planets but it is just not developed enough to send any signs or to be visible for us. In this theory the humanity is the further developed species and it is up to us to find the other lower developed species because they are not in the state to do so right now. You could imagine them just like the cave humans that used to life on our planet. Clearly intelligent, clearly living but just not developed enough to travel space yet. This theory is quite the opposite to the common believe that aliens are further developed than humans and are superior to us because of their further developed science and technology.
Theory 2:
In this Theory intelligent live has already developed to the extend of space traveling and communication but they are ether to far away from us that we ever could pick up a signal or sign of them or they just have existed a long time ago. In the incredible age of the universe the time that it takes to develop and end intelligent live is rather a small blink. And in the time since the universe started to exist there could have been many of those small short blinks, just to far away from each other in the timeline.
Theory 3:
Life has developed and it is further developed in science and technology. They are actually so far developed that they are able to hide from all of our most modern and advanced technology. It is not that they do not exist but we are just not able to see them or to detect them. This is by far the most scariest theory, because what would be the reason that they are hiding even though they are the far more advanced species. Maybe they are not hiding from earth but from something even more advanced?
In the end theories are just theories and are no proof of anything. We just have to wait for the future. Maybe we will find alien life or it will find us. After all humankind is a very young species with a lot more to discover and explore in science and in the universe.