The dimensions, What a mystical and fascinating subject. You might know dimensions from the cinema. There you can watch Movies in 2D, which means in a 2 dimensional way or in 3D a 3 dimensional way, or even I some Cinemas it is possible to watch movies in 4D. Does this mean you can see movies in a 4 dimensional way? Is the movement of the chair, the smell or the water in your face the 4th dimension? For this question to be answered we need to understand we need to understand what dimensions are and how they affect our life.

For this I want you to play a little thinking game with you. Imagine there is a black dot living on a white surface, it is only able to move forward or backward, but not left or right. He is living in a one dimensional world. Everyone who knows there is a second dimension would wonder, why is he not moving left or right? But the little dot doesn’t know that there is a different possibility than moving back or forward, it is his whole world and anything else is far away from his capability of imagining. No lets take this one step further. Imagine a little man is living in a two dimensional house. You being a person that is living in a 3 dimensional world can look at this two dimensional house, because the third dimension add another direction, heights and depths. The man in the house is not aware of that, but you can see all of his world with just one look by looking from above on his two dimensional world. Now imagine the man in the two dimensional world has lost something somewhere, he would be searching everywhere, by moving into every room of his house to check it, because he cannot see through walls that are restricting his two dimensional view of the world. But this doesn’t fit to you. Living in the three dimensional world you easily can see with one look where the man has lost his thing. You are not limited by the world of the two dimensional man. What will take him hours or days to find, you can see in an distant. By zooming out like with a picture you can see anything in his world at once, 2 dimensional distances don’t matter for you.

And the two dimensional man never knows that you are there. He isn’t able to look up. Taking all those thoughts from this mind experiment we know can think one step further. What if there is a fourth dimension and all the things and rules that applied for us, when we were looking down into the two dimensional world , now apply for a watcher or a being in the 4th dimension. Or more close to science, what if we find a way to break trough the third dimension and access the fourth dimension? We could see through all things and could understand all things with one look. For example a doctor would see immediately the cause for a sickness, not anymore blocked b y three dimensional matters like skin or bones that would block his view, just like the two dimensional walls did for the two dimensional man. We could ignore any distances and explore other worlds or planets, just by zooming out, look, just as we did in the mind experiment to see more of the two dimensional world.
You see the options for the fourth dimension are limitless, but unfortunately though it is most likely that there is a fourth dimension, just as there is a third after the second it is just the same for us as it is for the two dimensional man. We are metaphorical spoken not able to lift our heads and see or access the fourth dimension. Though the fourth dimension is no mere video setting in the cinema, but a whole new view on the world and life, it will not be accessible for us only living in the third dimension and so the fourth dimension keeps to be an theoretical mind experiment.