If you have watched the news lately you might have seen pictures of great floods or volcanic eruptions. The pole caps are melting and the rain forest is dying. Frankly speaking the earth is sick with a disease called humanity and all those reactions are just like a fever that tries to shake off the pathogens that are causing all this trouble. Sounds quite devastating, doesn’t it? But don’t yield yet there are still plenty of options to save earth or other chances for mankind.

The first and of course best option is to save the planet, so mankind can continue living on it in a recourse full way with out exploiting the environment. There are many ways many smart people thinking about how to solve the problems of us destroying earth the same moment you read this text. Big ships are gathering plastic in the sea and trees are planted to counter move the climate change and the destruction of the rain forest just to name some examples. In the politic people are moving to save the planet, changing the way mankind has used its resources to better ways and putting more focus on this huge problem. But this is still not enough. The temperature is till rising and there are still 150 kinds of animals extincting every day. But don’t give up yet. Now is our time. Yours and mine. We can move something, change something for the better. You can protest on the streets for a better climate politic, you can take the bike to lower emission and you can separate your garbage. Do something for the change, even if it is something small. If billions of people do something small it turns into a giant movement that can actually change the future of mankind and of our planet.

But what if all plans and movements fail and earth turns into a planet that is unfit for mankind to live on? Will this be the end of our race, just like it happened to the dinosaurs? Well most likely not. Another chance for the human kind is colonizing other habitable planets also called exoplanets. We would need to find ways to travel great distances and to move mankind through space. This would be an expensive and recourse taking operation that in the moment lies far in the future, when you think about the fact that humanity never has been to an other planet. But this doesn’t mean that this is impossible. Already now there are plenty of plans and thoughts about how to inhabit an other planet. For example the Mars. There are even plans to have the first city for humans on Mars ready in 2050. Sounds a little unrealistic for me but what do you think?
You have seen now that we are not yet at the end of our possibilities. If everything goes southern we still have the possibility to flee to an other planet. But if it comes to this point doesn’t this mean that mankind hasn’t learned from its mistakes and will just continue to exploit the new planet? Maybe before running away we should try to solve our problems so they don’t occur in the future again and expand only if we now how to save and preserve the environment in which we live in.