This article is stored and also gets transferred to your PC as a string of multiple millions of ones and zeros. Believe it or not but in the number Pi, somewhere far behind the dot, you will find this exact millions of numbers long string. So why is that?
The answer is because Pi is an infinite number. It is mathematically proven, that Pi has no end and goes on forever. Infinity is very hard to picture and no one can actually understand how huge it is, because it’s not a number, but more of a concept. So, every number that you can think of, as huge as it may be, is only an infinite small piece of infinity.
Infinity itself has some very interesting properties. One of them is, that in an infinity every possibility certainly exists. For example, if you give a typing machine to a monkey, he will most certainly write absolute nonsense. But if you let him type for an infinite period of time, he will sooner or later by coincidence write a single existing word. And even later he would write a whole book and then he would type every single one of the thousands of books of the national library of Paris, without any spelling mistakes and in the correct formation. Just by coincidence. This would of course take millions and billions of years but with infinite time it will happen sooner or later.
Now, there are infinities no one can doubt like the infinity of Pi and those that are only theories like the theory of the multiverse for example. This theory, an interpretation of quantum mechanics says that there is not only our universe, but infinite more other universes. In this case, every possible universe, with any possible history and shape would exist. And not only once, but infinite times. Infinite universes where live could never exist. Infinite universes where mankind dies directly after its birth and infinite universes that are exactly like ours or only slightly different. There are even universes in which you exist a second time just as you are here.
As you see, infinity is something really weird and you can think about it for quite a while. I hope you found this article interesting and see you next week for more exciting science!