
Just arrived in a foreign country, with a new language to learn and new people to befriend? Pantomime is the perfect game for you! You can play it with people of all ages and it always ends up being a fun time.

What you need:

-at least 4 people

-small pieces of papers

How to play:

You first have to prepare the game. On the papers, write all different kinds of objects, job, food etc… Don’t forget to add a translation of the word so everyone can play and learn at the time.

Put all the papers in a hat for example, form two teams. The first team to start must choose a person that will silently act out the word that he draws from the hat. The team has 1 minute to successfully guess as many words as possible.

Once the time is up, it’s the others teams turn to play. The team with the more papers won.

-by Melainie-