5 quotes and sayings about childhood and their meanings

A quote is a copy of someone’s words. So, it means if you use someone else’s words, then you also have to refer by whom they were said. Quotes are usually used to draw attention to your own words and to make them more reliable. It gives your words more potential to be heard, and people will see that other people believe the same way. A good quote contains an idea or a point. It can explain, enlighten, or inspire. It is also proven with science that when you use stories, poems, and quotes, you’re more likely to have a connection with your listeners. Brain scientists have done research on how our brain reacts when we hear a presentation or a story. When we listen to a presentation or a simple lecture, our brains are just trying to translate the language heard. Now, when we hear a story, a lot of different parts of our brain activate. This part is called the insula. This part allows you to relate to other stories and also feel the same joy or, overall, the same emotions.
Sayings refer to ordinary and short expressions that express deeper meanings, insights, or wisdom about life. There are a lot of different sayings, and they range from deep and meaningful to humorous ones. Sayings are often easy to memorize, and they are catchy. They use simple words for more meaningful ideas. There are different types of sayings, like aphorisms, proverbs, cliches, and apophthegms. Sayings have been formed and have been part of our daily lives for many generations.

“Play is the work of the child.” Maria Montessori
It can be said that playing is crucial for healthy development in children. Studies show that 75% of brain development happens after birth. Playing helps to make stronger and also more connections between nerve cells. Playing develops motor skills, language, socialization, personal awareness, emotional well-being, problem-solving skills, and so on. The play is a work for children, and the toys they play with are tools. To have the greatest play experience, the children should use their imagination and their own experiences.

“You are not what happened to you, I am what I choose to become.” Carl Jung
Everything is up to us. We can’t constantly excuse ourselves for something that happened to us in the past. It is up to us how we choose to respond to these things. Our consciousness controls the way we act and react to different things. If you keep thinking all the time about the things that happened to you in the past, you can’t expect that something is going to change. You have to change the way you react and respond to things. You have to learn and understand why you act a certain way, and after that, you can become a better person.

“One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.” Agatha Christie
The main idea behind this quote is that a happy childhood can have a big impact on your adulthood. It says that one of the happiest things about your life can be the childhood you had. The deeper meaning of this quote is that one’s childhood is going to determine their life. Childhood will influence the things we believe in, the way we behave, and the relationships we have. It is the base of our lives. It’s like soil. It will nourish our self-esteem, stamina, and emotional well-being. From our childhood, we will develop our curiosity and optimistic mindset to explore life.
Also, the word ‘luck’ refers to the fact that, unfortunately, not everyone is lucky enough to have a happy childhood. It also says that the experiences, memories, emotions, and relationships we experience at a young age will leave a mark on our psyche.

“My childhood did not prepare me for the fact that the world is full of cruel and bitter things.” J. Robert Oppenheimer
J. Robert Oppenheimer was a famous American physicist, and his team developed the atomic bomb. With this statement, he refers a little to his childhood, saying that he was protected and taken care of all the time, maybe even a little too much, and this didn’t prepare him for the real world. When you finally step into the world, the first experiences can be a little scary, but at the same time, they are definitely informative. The wisdom behind his saying is that our childhood is not preparing us for everything that is going to happen in adulthood. Adulthood may be challenging, but it is part of life that we have to always adapt, be resilient, and, of course, be open-minded and be able to continuously learn about life. You also have to understand that life is a journey.

“Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.” –Chili Davis
It is also used as a metaphor, and it means that you should always give your best. At the end of your life, what matters the most, is the way you lived your life. We can’t stop ageing. It happens day by day, but we can pick the way we age. When someone says ‘grow up’, they usually don’t mean the years that everyone has. It refers to the experiences and the things we do in our lifetime. The real growth is determined by all the lessons you have learned in your lifetime. So, start to live your life and gather as much experience as possible.

