Life as we know it nowadays has been strongly impacted by the discoveries and lifestyle of ancient Rome. Until today, there have been many significant cultural traits that we can profit from. But what did life in ancient Rome look like? In this article, you will find out and get […]
Thanks to new technologies, we know nowadays a lot about the life in ancient Egypt and about the progressiveness that they had. They were very far ahead in matters of physical hygiene, and their educational system was way more advanced compared to other empires. The empire, which is nowadays known […]
The Maya people developed one of the first high cultures in the area of Mesoamerica, which includes Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Belize. This indigenous folk was not only a really advanced civilisation but also existed for a long time (from around 1000 BC until around 1600 AD). However, […]
The written word is one of the earliest cultural practices of mankind. Today, it is considered a form of communication and a technology for passing on and storing our knowledge. Writing systems were created independently all over the world. Palaeolithic wall paintings in caves and prhistoric notch marks and counting […]
Astronomy has been important for hundreds of generations, and one of the outputs of astronomy is timekeeping. One of the ways to keep time is by using calendars. They were necessary for religious practices, agriculture, and governance. The term calendar comes from the word calends, which meant in the Roman […]
Plant-based meat substitutes are produced to be eaten as a replacement for meat in the human diet. Plant-based products try to mimic the appearance of meat as well as the taste and texture. Plant-based meat is also referred to as mock meat, fake meat, or meat substitute. The earliest meat […]
DNA, also known as deoxyribonucleic acid, carries the heritage material. Almost all living organisms have DNA. Almost all the cells in our body have an exact replica of DNA. Most of the DNA is found in the nucleus, and then it is called nuclear DNA, but there is also a […]
The Sphinx of Giza is located about five hundred meters from the pyramids of Cheops and Khafre and its function was to be a guardian of the colossal necropolis. It is undoubtedly the largest and most famous of the ancient sculptures that have survived till our days. The fascination and […]
Gladiators were fighters during the period of ancient Rome. The name derives from the” gladius”, that is a small and short sword used very often during the fights. Usually the gladiators were slaves or war prisoners or people who were convicted of some crime. In some rare cases they were […]
Only a few people know that the first car ever created was a Mercedes Benz. On the 29th of January 1886 Karl Benz showed this amazing invention that quickly changed the world: The Car.From that day the newborn the car manufacturer was able to create a lot of cars and […]