Why do we get nauseous when we drive in a car?

Sometimes, when we are just planning to go on a nice roadtrip with your friends, which may take multiple hours. In the beginning, we feel just fine and are looking forward to this new memory that we will make. But after some time, could be 30 minutes or two hours, we notice the feeling of nausea that slowly spreads through our whole body. Our body shows us classical symptoms like stomach ache, head ache and dizziness. Moreover, we can not eat any food and a heavy feeling lies on our chest that makes breathing harder and more unpleasant. Our palms are feeling sweaty just like the rest of our body. Every curve makes us feel like we are about to vomit and the once so joyful trip turns into a nightmare. Getting nauseous in the car is a phenomenon that a lot of people know and suffer from. But why does it even occur and is there anyway to avoid it?


Getting nauseous in the car belongs to the category of motion sickness that can also occur in any type of vehicle like ships, boats, airplanes, trains, busses, roller coaster rides, etc. It arises when the brain can not process the transmitted information from the eyes, the ears and the whole body. The brain receives information from all the body parts that are able to sense motion, including our muscles and joints. So, something that can happen is that you are sitting in the car and your brain registers movement like the landscape or houses passing by. The other parts of our body transmit the brain that you are not moving but sitting in a still position. Because of this contradictory mix of information, the brain is not able to function right and reacts with the symptoms of nausea.

There are people who are more likely to get motion sickness than others. Girls up to the age of 12 are most likely to get nauseous during a car ride just as people who are related to other people who suffer under motion sickness. Also people who have problems with their inner ears or pregnant women have an increased probability. But of course, this physical state can affect anyone and often arises suddenly without any warning.

Luckily, there are some techniques that help avoiding this annoying and unpleasant experience. The use of antihistamines that are usually used against allergies can be used against motion sickness. They can prevent it completely or at least reduce the symptoms. Another strategy is to sit in the front seat of the vehicle so you have a better view outside and can focus on fix objects, for example the horizon when driving by the sea side. Also, make sure that you are distracted and try not to think about how nauseous you are because this will help to ease your symptoms. Furthermore, you can chew a chewing gum or peppermint pills to get rid of the scaly taste in your mouth.
In order to prevent the motion sickness, try to avoid reading, watching a movie or looking on your phone during the car ride.
